
Tri-Valley Vision 2040: Workforce & Education

Tri-Valley Business Leaders: 

We invite you to quickly share your ideas about the skills needed in your workplace both now and in the future, so we can be sure our Tri-Valley innovation hub continues to thrive for decades to come.  
The ideas you share in this survey will shape our Innovation Tri-Valley Vision 2040 Plan and will be shared widely with K-12 and higher education leaders throughout the region who are asking us what our Tri-Valley business leaders need from their future workforce.

The survey will only take 5-10 minutes to complete. Your responses will be strictly confidential, data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate, and the information will be coded to remain anonymous. If you have questions, please contact Traci Anderson at 925.989.0188 or by email at [email protected].

If you would like to participate in ITV's continuing conversations about education and workforce development in our community please share your name and email in the final open-ended question and we will contact you.

Thank you for your essential participation and support. Please begin by clicking on the Next button below.

Innovation Tri-Valley Leadership Group Team